A future of uncertainty. Future positioning by Domenic Roylance.

Through my research, I have gained a realistic perspective of the future and what it can entail. Through my findings, I see several possible instances which have lead me to believe two points: we are powerless against mother nature, and progression of technology leads us to think we as a species are invincible however technology is always flawed.

Even though I may have a positive outlook for my future, directors and other makers can perceive the future to be often bleak and quite frankly, just awful places. Take for instance Danny Boyle, the director that created the critically acclaimed film 28 days later where a disease virtually wipes out the dominance of humanity. Unfortunately, this future is quite realistic due to the type of sickness that Boyle created. The infection transfers from blood contact and turns the affected into an aggressive flesh-eating zombie. Through watching this film, I am quite convinced that if a natural disaster hits such as an aggressive zombie virus, we as a species are entirely powerless to its force. This future is the case with many director’s views about nature and her power. These films make it quite clear that we are powerless against nature and all of her temperament no matter how advanced we become with technology.

Progression in technology can make us feel invincible to nature however ironically technology can also accidentally kill us. The aforementioned is not just in films representing robots as an evil force that will defeat man due to their uber intelligence but in actual real-world cases which are pointed out in MIT’s top 10 technology disasters spanning over 373 years. (Scigliano, 2002). In particular, the Concorde crash highlights that even the latest and greatest in technology can lead to failure. The Concorde aircraft, unfortunately, was not made to withstand small malfunctions. As a result of a titanium strip falling off another aircraft into the path of an Air France Concorde’s tyre, a piece of rubber tore off and smashed into the plane’s wing, leading to a leak in the fuel tanks. The leak ignited the entire fuel supply, and the aircraft burst into flames. All 104 people on the plane were killed and also four unsuspecting civilians on the ground.


Mirror, 2015

We are misled to believe that we have the power of nature and total control of technology when we are utterly powerless of the future. As individuals, we make mistakes regularly, even in our supposedly perfect designs and technology. We are at the mercy of nature even though we may try to outsmart her. Global warming is an indication that we are very much living in a life of excess at the detriment of the same planet that made our species. However, one thing is certain, we cannot be sure of what will happen in our future.

Scigliano, E. 2002, 10 Technology Disasters, viewed 19 October 2017, <https://www.technologyreview.com/s/401465/10-technology-disasters/>.

One thought on “A future of uncertainty. Future positioning by Domenic Roylance.

  1. Great that you have gone into detail and thought about forces we can’t change in your analysis of the future like Mother Nature. I can see how this research links to your prototype too.


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